Cools your body and prevents heat rashes|Reduces wrinkles and age-spots. 100% Natural | Natural fragrance | No preservatives | Anti -microbial |Aroma healing.
● NATURAL-COOLANT: Has natural cooling properties that hydrate the skin.
● POWERFUL ANTI-AGING AGENT:Boosts skin’s elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines,wrinkles, age spots and fades scars.
● OIL of TRANQUILITY:Has calming and grounding effects.Beneficial in soothing anxiety and fatigue.
How to use:
1) Anti-Aging Benefits:Apply the product to the face using a cotton swab or fingertips.Massage gently into the skin and leave it overnight or for a few hours before washing off
2)Full body relaxation: Rub 3-4 drops of the oil on your palm and apply at nape of neck and temples as well as your wrists and feet.
3)Bathing: Add 3-4drops of product to bathtub/water bucket.swish the water gently to mix the oil well.